December 2, 2024
TO: Indian Gaming Association Member Tribes
FROM: Ernest L. Stevens Jr., Chairman
Jason Giles, Executive Director
RE: Ask President Biden To Revoke The Congressional Medals Of Honor Issued To The 7th Cavalry For The Wounded Knee Massacre
Date: November 26, 2024
For many years, the tribes of the Great Sioux Nation have sought to have the 29 Medals of Honor awarded for the Massacre at Wounded Knee revoked. While they have achieved some traction in the waning days of the Biden Administration, Intertribal support is needed. On July 25, 2024, Defense Secretary Austin ordered a Pentagon board to review Medal of Honor awards for 7th Cavalry troops who participated in the 1890 Wounded Knee massacre, where more than 350 Lakota were killed, mostly women and children, by U.S. soldiers in the deadliest mass shooting in the nation’s history. The Review Board—Composed of 3 Military Officers and 2 Interior Officials, was tasked to report back to Secretary Austin. Great Sioux Nation tribes have no confidence in the Pentagon board and expect by a vote of three (DOD) to two (Interior), the Pentagon will recommend America keep the Wounded Knee Medals of Honor. Congressional Medals of Honor will always bear the stain of the Wounded Knee Massacre until these medals are revoked.
Please contact the White House and President Biden, requesting that he use his executive authority to revoke these Medals of Honor. The background of the Massacre and a draft letter of support are attached for your consideration and use.
Please contact Danielle Her Many Horses at with any questions or concerns regarding this Alert.
Background of the Wounded Knee Massacre
Two weeks after America killed of Chief Sitting Bull, Chief Big Foot and Mnicoujou from the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe were on the way to see Chief Red Cloud at Pine Ridge to negotiate peace with the Army. On December 29, 1890, the Army tried to arrest Big Foot for the Ghost Dance. The 7th Cavalry stopped the Lakota at Wounded Knee, surrounded the village, and lined up the Lakota men and large boys in front of Army cannons and guns. Soldiers seized Black Coyote, the last man disarmed, and his gun went off in the air. “With a sound like canvas tearing,” the 7th Cavalry commenced firing, killing Lakota people and the massacre went on for hours. The soldiers told little boys hidden in a ravine, “Come out you are safe now. It’s over.” When they came out, soldiers shot them. American Horse said, “The women, as they were fleeing with their babes on their backs, were killed. Shot right through. The women who were heavy with child were also killed.” Iron Hail said, “They murdered us.” Shot three times himself, soldiers killed his parents, wife and babies.
General Miles said, the Wounded Knee Massacre was “the most abominable criminal military blunder and a horrible massacre of women and children…. The official reports make the number killed 90 warriors and 200 women and children.” Over 350 Lakota were killed, many Lakota wounded died at the nearby church after the Massacre.
Among the Lakota, it is known that the 7th Cavalry were pursuing revenge on our innocent Lakota for Custer’s 1876 defeat at the Little Big Horn. Major Whitside’s son acknowledged this truth. Eyewitnesses at the Wounded Knee Massacre site said that the murders of innocent women and children, shot in the back between 3 and 5 miles away from the camp, and children shot while they covered their heads with blankets showed the 7th Cavalry’s murderous campaign for revenge. America awarded 20 Medals of Honor for Wounded Knee Massacre.
America awarded only 16 Medals of Honor for the World War II Normandy Campaign (including D-Day).
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal elder, Marcella LeBeau, served as a U.S. Army nurse at the Battle of the Bulge, saving wounded soldiers. Germans bombed her camp. France awarded her the Legion of Honor. In 2020, when she was 100 years-old, she asked Congress to rescind the Medals of Honor for Wounded Knee. She said, “a pervasive sadness exists among our Lakota due to the tragic loss of our Relatives at Wounded Knee.” To promote healing, America must remove all Medals of Honor awarded for the Wounded Knee Massacre.