April 19, 2020
The National Indian Gaming Association is extremely disappointed and disturbed by the release of sensitive information that tribal governments and other entities submitted to the U.S. Department of the Treasury related to CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Funds. This release of sensitive information comes at a time when tribal governments are in dire need of resources to respond to and recover from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The National Indian Gaming Association demands a full and swift investigation into the source of the data breach.
The Department of the Interior and Department of Treasury must immediately implement the necessary safeguards to ensure no additional confidential information is released from either department or other federal agencies.
The National Indian Gaming Association will call on the appropriate Congressional Committees with oversight and the Inspectors General of each Department to immediately investigate the breakdown in security and how the material was leaked beyond the allegedly secure environment of the federal government. I can assure you that the we will pursue this breach of trust to ensure this does not happen again.
We will continue to update our membership as this situation unfolds.